the azdeo team AzDEO is pleased to announce the Board for 2023-2024 Tiffany White AZDEO PRESIDENT LEARN MORE ABOUT TIFFANY Corianna lee AZDEO PRESIDENT-ELECT LEARN MORE ABOUT CORIANNA lauren stanis AZDEO SECRETARY LEARN MORE ABOUT LAUREN shelby baldwin AZDEO TREASURER LEARN MORE ABOUT SHELBY andrea carson AZDEO MEMBER AT LARGE LEARN MORE ABOUT ANDREA kiara schumann-robinson AZDEO MEMBER AT LARGE LEARN MORE ABOUT KIARA Our Core Values: Every person has the right and the ability to experience the joy of dance. A high quality dance education is essential to the development of the whole person. Dance is an equal component of a balanced arts and culture community. Dance has the power to transform through physical expression, emotional connection and the creative process. Dance reflects, challenges and affirms the cultural values of the larger community. dustin loehr AZDEO EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT LEARN MORE ABOUT DUSTIN AzDEO is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation The mission of AzDEO is to support and advance dance education centered in the arts. JOIN AzDEO // DONATE // EQUITY + INCLUSION //NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY // NHSDA // CONTACT US