azdeo Executive Assistant

Dustin Loehr

Dustin Loehr is a recognized expert in Arts Education Policy and Arts Administration. Having served as the Arizona Director of Arts Education & Title IV-A for five years, Loehr successfully served on multiple national and statewide arts education initiatives. Loehr specializes in well-rounded education, specifically within the intersection of Arts Education and Social & Emotional Learning (SEL), having been a key author of Arizona’s Social and Emotional Learning Competencies and the Arizona Seal of Artistic Literacy. In addition to serving as AzDEO’s Executive Assistant, Loehr currently works as the Technical Assistance Lead, Project Manager, and Logistics Coordinator for two federal contracts.  He is a recognized subject matter expert specializing in group facilitation, technical assistance, federal programming, and public presentations. Loehr is a tap and spoken word artist who has performed, choreographed, and directed across the state. As a teaching artist, Loehr works within low-income communities and supports whole-child initiatives by implementing culturally inclusive and interdisciplinary programs. He was the 2021 Arizona State Leader of the Year for Arts and Culture. 

AzDEO is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation

The mission of AzDEO is to support and advance dance education centered in the arts.